Do you know the total costs of your current investment solution?

Do you know the split of fees you pay between investment vehicles vs investment advice? (Contact us for a free fee assessment if it’s unclear how your current advisor is paid.)

Are the total cost and the splits (between vehicles and advice) reasonable? 

For the investment advice fee, does the advisor:

  • Help quantify your goals for retirement, design a plan which takes into account future pensions and other benefits, and conduct periodic meetings to review progress and potential changes needed? [Learn more about Retirement Planning]
  • Help streamline your investments by examining risk tolerance and creating a portfolio that is optimized to balance risk, return, and your goals? [Learn more about Investment Planning]
  • Help you coordinate and modernize your estate plans to minimize “estate drag” (fees and taxes) so that your beneficiaries keep as much as they can from your hard work and good planning? [Learn more about Estate Planning]
  • Help you reduce your overall lifetime tax burden – not just what you pay today, but with an eye towards minimizing what you pay over your lifetime? [Learn more about Tax Planning]
  • Help you design a charitable giving plan which can help optimize the benefits to you and your legacy? [Learn more about Charitable Giving]
  • Help guide you to the most optimal way to save for future educational expenses? [Learn more about how great advisors help with Education Planning]
  • Help you decide 1) which type of insurance is most appropriate, and 2) how much insurance is appropriate? [Learn more about Insurance Planning]
  • Help you prioritize goals and funding strategies, discuss cost-benefit analyses on such topics as debt/mortgage payoffs, lease vs buy, benefit package decisions, buying a vacation home, etc?